Cable Route
TAM-1 is the first fiber optic cable specifically designed to meet the exploding demand for data in the
trans Americas region, revolutionizing connectivity solutions through state-of-the-art products and
services. The initial system rollout covers more than 7,000 km and will link Florida with Central America
and the wider Caribbean. This is the first stage of a broader digital infrastructure project which will be
carried out over the next five years creating a low latency, high reliability, scalable and flexible network
covering the entire Caribbean Basin, with extensions to pacific South America.

Products & Solutions

Adaptive Spectrum Allocation
Intelligently allocate resources in real-time, adapting to changing network demands and optimizing for the most efficient use of your available spectrum.

Manage your Own Capacity
Build and manage your own network requirements, using our Dynamic Spectrum Solution; choose your own equipment, decide your bandwidth and select our best routes.

Increased Cost Efficiency
Optimize spectrum resources,
reducing costly bandwidth leases, eliminating legacy interfaces.

Future-Proof Infrastructure
Stay ahead of the curve with a
solution designed with scalable spectrum requirements, ensuring your network is ready for the demands of tomorrow.

Flexible Routing Configuration
State-of-the-art technology improves network planning providing multiple on ramps to TAM-1, making it possible to utilize a band or wavelengths between different end points.
The marine survey operations for TAM-1 have been successfully completed, marking the end of seven months of work by EGS Survey and Fugro NV. With route engineering concluded and the manufacturing of cables and repeaters well underway.

Engineering & Design
Completed 2023

Studies by Fugro NV
Successfully completed

Vendor Procurement Supply
Supply Contract in Force

Senior Executive Team & Organization

Permitting & Licenses
Ongoing in all juristrictions

Marine surveys
Successfully completed

art technology”
Fluid PoP-to-PoP connectivity is enabled by Xtera’s
leading edge technology and system design expertise.
Today’s data-driven businesses must move at the
speed of light, Xtera’s team is at the leading edge of
the market with a continuous stream of agile solutions
to push the pace of innovation and deliver on the
promise of reliable, fast connections to support the
increasing array of services that require high bandwidth
network expertise. TAM-1 will utilize high performance
optical amplifiers to deliver traffic directly inland to
cities and data center locations.
Thanks to Xtera, the TAM-1 system will be swiftly
delivered by a best-in-class project management
team and their industry-leading partners.